Class AssociationRule

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AssociationRule
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    An association rule defining the strength of a relationship between two item sets. The rule contains an antecedent (A) item set and a consequent (C) item set.

    The support of a rule is defined as: support(A->C) = support(A+C).

    The confidence of a rule is defined as: confidence(A->C) = support(A+C) / support(A).

    The lift of a rule is defined as: lift(A->C) = confidence(A->C) / support(C).

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AssociationRule

        public AssociationRule​(int[] antecedent,
                               int[] consequent,
                               double support,
                               double confidence,
                               double lift)
        Construct a new association rule.
        antecedent - the antecedent item set
        consequent - the consequent item set
        support - the support for the rule
        confidence - the confidence of the rule
        lift - the lift of the rule
    • Method Detail

      • getAntecedent

        public int[] getAntecedent()
        Return the antecedent item set of the rule.
        antecedent item set
      • getConsequent

        public int[] getConsequent()
        Return the consequent item set of the rule.
        consequent item set
      • getConfidence

        public double getConfidence()
        Return the confidence of the rule.
        confidence of the rule
      • getSupport

        public double getSupport()
        Return the support of the rule.
        support of the rule
      • getLift

        public double getLift()
        Return the lift of the rule.
        lift of the rule