Class FPGrowthAlgorithm

  • public final class FPGrowthAlgorithm
    extends Object
    An implementation of the FP-growth algorithm based on FPTree.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FPGrowthAlgorithm

        public FPGrowthAlgorithm​(long minSupport,
                                 int k)
        Create an FPGrowth instance with the given minimum support value and item count value.
        minSupport - the minimum number of transactions an item set must participate in to be frequent
        k - the largest item-set cardinality wanted
    • Method Detail

      • fpGrowth

        public List<ItemSet> fpGrowth​( fpTree)
        Executes the FP-growth algorithm on the given FP-tree. Returns the list of frequent items discovered.
        fpTree - the tree to feed to the FP-growth algorithm
        the list of frequent items discovered