Interface AggregationFunctionEvaluatorFactory

    • Method Detail

      • evaluator

        AggregationFunctionEvaluator evaluator​(AggregationFunction aggregationFunction,
                                               CompareFunction[] compareFunctions,
                                               double[] fieldWeights,
                                               double[] missingValueWeights,
                                               double[] similarityScales,
                                               double pParameter)
        Creates an AggregationFunctionEvaluator instance. Compare function, field weights, missing value weights and similarity scales at index i must correspond to cluster and data vector values at the same index, that will be passed in at the evaluation phase to the AggregationFunctionEvaluator#evaluate() method.
        aggregationFunction - the AggregationFunction to be evaluated
        compareFunctions - the CompareFunctions to measure distance/similarity between the vectors
        fieldWeights - field weights for each field/its values
        missingValueWeights - missing value weights for each field/its values
        similarityScales - similarity scales for each field/its values
        pParameter - the p-parameter, only used by the Minkowski function