Class SimpleSetPredicate

  • public final class SimpleSetPredicate
    extends Predicate
    Corresponds to the PMML SimpleSetPredicate element.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleSetPredicate

        public SimpleSetPredicate()
        Creates an empty SimpleSetPredicate.
    • Method Detail

      • getField

        public String getField()
        Returns the value of the "field" attribute.
        the value of the "field" attribute.
      • setField

        public void setField​(String field)
        Sets the value of the "field" attribute.
        field - the value of the "field" attribute.
      • getOperator

        public final SimpleSetPredicate.Operator getOperator()
        Returns the value of the "booleanOperator" attribute.
        the value of the "booleanOperator" attribute.
      • setOperator

        public final void setOperator​(SimpleSetPredicate.Operator operator)
        Sets the value of the "booleanOperator" attribute.
        operator - the value of the "booleanOperator" attribute.
      • getValues

        public final List<String> getValues()
        Returns the values of the set to test against.
        the values of the set to test against.
      • setValues

        public final void setValues​(List<String> values)
        Sets the values of the set to test against.
        values - the values of the set to test against.