Interface NearnessMeasure.Measurer

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface NearnessMeasure.Measurer
    A calculator of "nearness".
    • Method Detail

      • measureNearness

        double measureNearness​(DoubleValuedIterator pt1,
                               DoubleValuedIterator pt2)
        Calculates the "nearness" of the two points. The returned value should be non-negative, with smaller values indicating the points are "nearer". A value of zero indicates "identical" points.

        As long as distance ordering is preserved, it is not necessary to return a true distance. If a true distance is required, the NearnessMeasure.nearnessToDistance(double) method will be used to convert.

        pt1 - one point in the measurement
        pt2 - the other point in the measurement
        the "nearness" of the points