Class ContinuousInputMappingModel

  • public final class ContinuousInputMappingModel
    extends InputMappingModel
    PMML Input Mapping for continuous ( numerical ) data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContinuousInputMappingModel

        public ContinuousInputMappingModel()
        Create an empty ContinuousMappingModel.
    • Method Detail

      • setTargetStatistics

        public void setTargetStatistics​(Map<String,​TargetStatistics> targetStatistics)
        Sets the map of target statistics. Keys in the map are target names. Values in the map the the corresponding TargetStatistics object.
        targetStatistics - the map of target statistics
      • getTargetStatistics

        public Map<String,​TargetStatistics> getTargetStatistics()
        Gets the map of target statistics. Keys in the map are target names. Values in the map the the corresponding TargetStatistics object.
        the map of target statistics