Class DiscreteInputMappingModel

  • public final class DiscreteInputMappingModel
    extends InputMappingModel
    InputMappingModel for discrete ( categorical ) data. Corresponds to the "PairCounts" PMML element.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DiscreteInputMappingModel

        public DiscreteInputMappingModel()
        Creates an empty DiscreteInputMappingModel
    • Method Detail

      • setPairCounts

        public void setPairCounts​(Map<InputTargetPair,​Long> pairCounts)
        Sets the map of pair counts. Keys in the map represent the pair (input, target). Values in the map represent the corresponding count.
        pairCounts - the map of pair counts.
      • getPairCounts

        public Map<InputTargetPair,​Long> getPairCounts()
        Gets the map of pair counts. Keys in the map represent the pair (input, target). Values in the map represent the corresponding count.
        the map of pair counts.