Class AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.RegressionTable

    • Constructor Detail

      • RegressionTable

        protected RegressionTable()
    • Method Detail

      • parseModelElement

        protected void parseModelElement​(Element element)
      • buildModelElement

        protected void buildModelElement​(Element parent)
        Add this RegressionTable to a PMML document as a child of the provided element.
        parent - The parent of the table's PMML element.
      • setIntercept

        public void setIntercept​(double value)
        Sets the intercept i.e. the bias term
        value - the desired intercept
      • setInterceptDegreesOfFreedom

        public void setInterceptDegreesOfFreedom​(int value)
        Sets the intercept's degrees of freedom
      • setInterceptStandardError

        public void setInterceptStandardError​(double value)
        Sets the intercept's standard error
      • setInterceptTTest

        public void setInterceptTTest​(double value)
        Sets the intercept's t test
      • setInterceptPValue

        public void setInterceptPValue​(double value)
        Sets the intercept's p value
      • getNumericPredictors

        public List<AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.NumericPredictor> getNumericPredictors()
        Gets the table's predictors that take a numeric value as input. The returned list does not support modification.
        the NumericPredictor elements of this RegressionTable
      • getCategoricalPredictors

        public List<AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.CategoricalPredictor> getCategoricalPredictors()
        Gets the table's predictors that take a categorical (i.e. enum) value as input. The returned list does not support modification.
        the CategoricalPredictor elements of this RegressionTable
      • getIntercept

        public double getIntercept()
        Gets the constant term (a.k.a the intercept or bias) of the equation specified by the RegressionTable.
        the value of the intercept
      • getInterceptDegreesOfFreedom

        public Integer getInterceptDegreesOfFreedom()
        Gets the intercept's degrees of freedom
      • getInterceptStandardError

        public Double getInterceptStandardError()
        Gets the intercept's standard error
      • getInterceptTTest

        public Double getInterceptTTest()
        Gets the intercept's t test
      • getInterceptPValue

        public Double getInterceptPValue()
        Gets the intercept's t test
      • setTargetCategory

        public void setTargetCategory​(String targetCategory)
        targetCategory - the targetCategory to set
      • getTargetCategory

        public String getTargetCategory()
        the targetCategory
      • addNumericPredictor

        public void addNumericPredictor​(AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.NumericPredictor numericPredictor)
        Add a term to the model in the form of a NumericPredictor element.
        numericPredictor - the predictor to add.
      • addCategoricalPredictor

        public void addCategoricalPredictor​(AbstractPMMLRegressionModel.CategoricalPredictor categoricalPredictor)
        Add a term to the model in the form of a CategoricalPredictor element.
        categoricalPredictor - the predictor to add.
      • clearNumericPredictors

        public void clearNumericPredictors()
        Removes all the NumericPredictor elements from the table
      • clearCategoricalPredictors

        public void clearCategoricalPredictors()
        Removes all the CategoricalPredictor elements from the table
      • setExtensionStatistic

        public void setExtensionStatistic​(String name,
                                          double value)