Class VectorDictionary

  • public final class VectorDictionary
    extends Object
    Object representation of the VectorDictionary PMML element.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VectorDictionary

        public VectorDictionary()
        Creates an empty VectorDictionary
    • Method Detail

      • getVectorFields

        public final List<String> getVectorFields()
        Returns the fields that correspond to vectors in this dictionary. The elements in this list contain the values of the field attributes of the FieldRef sub-elements.
        the fields that correspond to vectors in this dictionary
      • setVectorFields

        public final void setVectorFields​(List<String> vectorFields)
        Sets the fields that correspond to vectors in this dictionary. The elements in this list contain the values of the field attributes of the FieldRef sub-elements.
        vectorFields - the fields that correspond to vectors in this dictionary
      • getVectorsByID

        public final Map<String,​DoubleTokenSequence> getVectorsByID()
        Returns the mapping from vector id to vector. The keys in the map are the values of the id attribute of the VectorInstance sub-elements. The values in the map are the values of the body of the VectorInstance sub-elements (which can either be Real-SparseArray or REAL-ARRAY).
        the mapping from vector id to vector
      • setVectorsByID

        public final void setVectorsByID​(Map<String,​DoubleTokenSequence> vectorsByID)
        Sets the mapping from vector id to vector. The keys in the map are the values of the id attribute of the VectorInstance sub-elements. The values in the map are the values of the body of the VectorInstance sub-elements (which can either be Real-SparseArray or REAL-ARRAY).
        vectorsByID - the mapping from vector id to vector