Class Version

  • public class Version
    extends Object
    Describes the version of the DataRush installation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Version

        public Version()
        Creates a new version descriptor.
    • Method Detail

      • getDataflowVersion

        public String getDataflowVersion()
        Gets the version number of the installed DataFlow. This value is obtained from the properties file generated by write-property-file Maven plugin
        the version of DataFlow installed
      • getSpecificationVersion

        public String getSpecificationVersion()
        Gets the version number of the installed DataRush. This value is obtained from the specification version in the jarfile's manifest.
        the version of DataRush which is installed
      • getImplementationVersion

        public String getImplementationVersion()
        Gets build information about the installed DataRush. This is more detailed data than is provided by getSpecificationVersion() and is typically only required by support personnel. This value is obtained from the implementation version in the jarfile's manifest.
        build information about the installed version of DataRush