Interface DistributedCallableContext

    • Method Detail

      • ensureInitialNodeAllocation

        NodeAllocationPlan ensureInitialNodeAllocation()
        Returns the initial node allocation of the job. This method forces allocation of nodes if not already allocated.
        the initial node allocation of the job
      • getLocalSessionAttribute

        <T> T getLocalSessionAttribute​(AttributeScope scope,
                                       SessionAttribute<T> attribute)
        Looks up the value of a session attribute. Note that session attributes are stored in-memory on the node and will thus be lost in the event of a failure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the attribute
        scope - a session qualifier to provide uniqueness. attributes are keyed by scope plus attribute type.
        attribute - the attribute
        the value of the attribute
      • setLocalSessionAttribute

        <T> void setLocalSessionAttribute​(AttributeScope scope,
                                          SessionAttribute<T> attribute,
                                          T value)
        Sets the value of a session attribute. Note that session attributes are stored in-memory on the node and will thus be lost in the event of a failure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the attribute
        scope - a session qualifier to provide uniqueness. attributes are keyed by scope plus attribute type.
        attribute - the attribute
        value - the value of the attribute
      • getFileClient

        FileClient getFileClient()
        Returns the file client to be used within this context
        the file client