Class OSGIOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • OSGIOptions

        public OSGIOptions​(String bundleClasspathExtra,
                           boolean bootstrap)
        Create a set of OSGI options
        bundleClasspathExtra - A comma-separated list of additional values to add to the classpath.
        bootstrap - If true, then this is a bootstrap entry, otherwise it's a bundle May be empty but will never be null.
    • Method Detail

      • bundleClasspathExtra

        public String bundleClasspathExtra()
        Returns a comma-separated list of additional values to add to the classpath. If this is non-empty for any plugins, the osgi framework will be launched in dev mode, specifying the given extra classpath. May be empty but will never be null.
        a comma-separated list of additional values to add to the classpath.
      • bootstrap

        public boolean bootstrap()
        Returns whether this entry is a bootstrap entry. If so, then this is a regular jar that is needed in order to launch.
        whether this entry is a bootstrap entry.