Class StoragePlanner

  • public final class StoragePlanner
    extends Object
    An allocator of StorageBucketId's. Keeps a count of how many ids have been allocated. StoragePlanners can be created prior to the StorageManager; thus overall planning can take place prior to knowing resources available in the cluster. Each StoragePlanner has a GUID associated with it. This GUID serves as the base for all ids allocated by this StoragePlanner. Thus ids are guaranteed to be globally unique across planners.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StoragePlanner

        public StoragePlanner()
    • Method Detail

      • allocateBucket

        public StorageBucketId allocateBucket()
        Allocates a bucket of storage.
        a bucket of storage
      • getGuid

        public GUID getGuid()
        Returns the globally unique identifier for this StoragePlanner.