Class GenericTCPServer

  • public final class GenericTCPServer
    extends Object
    General purpose TCP server that provides thread pooling, start and stop code.
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getConnectionHandler

        public GenericTCPServer.ConnectionHandler getConnectionHandler()
        Returns the handler to use for processing connections
        the configured connection handler
      • getMaxWorkers

        public int getMaxWorkers()
        Returns the max worker threads to allow.
        The max worker threads to allow.
      • setMaxWorkers

        public void setMaxWorkers​(int maxWorkers)
        Sets the max worker thread to allow.
        maxWorkers - The max worker threads to allow.
      • getMinWorkers

        public int getMinWorkers()
        Returns the min worker threads to allow.
        The min worker threads to allow.
      • setMinWorkers

        public void setMinWorkers​(int minWorkers)
        Sets the min worker thread to allow.
        minWorkers - The min worker threads to allow.
      • getHost

        public String getHost()
        Returns the specific ip address/host to bind to
        the specific ip address/host to bind to
      • setHost

        public void setHost​(String host)
        Sets the specific ip address/host to bind to
        ipaddress - the specific ip/host address to bind to
      • start

        public final InetSocketAddress start()
        Starts the server.
        the listening address of the server
        DRException - if errors occur during start up
      • startShutdown

        public final void startShutdown()
        Initiates shutdown by closing the listening socket. Pending requests will be allowed to finish.
      • awaitShutdown

        public final void awaitShutdown​(long timeout,
                                        TimeUnit unit)
                                 throws InterruptedException
        Waits for pending requests to finish. Upon successful completion of this method, the server is in a logically shutdown state such that it can be restarted.
        timeout - the length of the timeout
        unit - the unit of the timeout
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for shutdown
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Returns the port to bind to. The default value of zero means chose an ephemeral port.
        the configured port
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(int port)
        Sets the port to bind to. The default value of zero means chose an ephemeral port.
        port - the port to which to bind
      • isListenerDaemon

        public boolean isListenerDaemon()
        Indicates whether the listener thread is a daemon thread.
        true if the listener is a daemon thread, false otherwise.
      • setListenerDaemon

        public void setListenerDaemon​(boolean daemon)
        Sets whether the listener thread is marked as a daemon thread.
        daemon - indicates whether the listener is a daemon or not
        See Also:
      • isWorkerDaemon

        public boolean isWorkerDaemon()
        Indicates whether worker threads are daemon threads.
        true if workers are daemon threads, false otherwise.
      • setWorkerDaemon

        public void setWorkerDaemon​(boolean daemon)
        Sets whether worker threads are marked as daemon threads.
        daemon - indicates whether workers are daemons or not
        See Also:
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets the base name used for worker threads.
        name - the base name to use
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name used for worker threads.
        the base name of worker threads
      • setIdleTimeTimeout

        public void setIdleTimeTimeout​(int idleTimeTimeout)
        Sets the idle time, in seconds, for the worker thread pool. Worker threads will be removed from the pool after being idle for this amount of time.
        idleTimeTimeout - the number of seconds a thread may be idle
      • getIdleTimeTimeout

        public int getIdleTimeTimeout()
        Gets the idle time, in seconds, for the worker thread pool.
        the number seconds a thread may be idle
      • disableThreadPooling

        public void disableThreadPooling()
        Disables thread pooling of workers. Every new request starts a new thread which terminates after handling the request.