Class RMIInterruptedException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RMIInterruptedException
    extends InterruptedException
    Extension of InterruptedException thrown to indicate that the current thread was interrupted waiting for a remote request. If remote methods so not declare either this or InterruptedException as a thrown exception type, an interruption will result in an RMIException being thrown and the thread's interrupt status will not be cleared.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RMIInterruptedException

        public RMIInterruptedException()
      • RMIInterruptedException

        public RMIInterruptedException​(String message,
                                       Throwable cause)
      • RMIInterruptedException

        public RMIInterruptedException​(String message)
      • RMIInterruptedException

        public RMIInterruptedException​(Throwable cause)