Class ReflectionUtil

  • public final class ReflectionUtil
    extends Object
    Utility methods related to reflection.
    • Method Detail

      • getWrapperForPrimitiveType

        public static Class<?> getWrapperForPrimitiveType​(Class<?> primitive)
        Returns the wrapper type the given primitive type
        primitive - the primitive class
        the wrapper type the given primitive type
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given type is not primitive
      • classForName

        public static Class<?> classForName​(String name,
                                            boolean initialize,
                                            ClassLoader loader)
                                     throws ClassNotFoundException
        Equivalent to Class.forName(name,initialize,loader), but handles primitive types as well.
        name - The name of the class to load
        initialize - whether the class must be initialized
        loader - class loader from which the class must be loaded
        class object representing the desired class
        ClassNotFoundException - if the class cannot be located by the specified class loader
      • newArray

        public static <F> F[] newArray​(Class<F> componentType,
                                       int length)
        Creates a new array of the given component type.
        Type Parameters:
        F - The component type
        componentType - The component type. Must not be primitive.
        length - The length of the array.
        A new array of the given component type.
      • arraycast

        public static <F> F[] arraycast​(Class<F> componentType,
                                        Object[] array)
        Casts the given array to an array of the specified component type.
        Type Parameters:
        F - The component type
        componentType - The component type
        array - The original array. All elements of the array must be assignable to the component type.
        A newly created array of the given type.
        ClassCastException - If any of the elements of the array are not assignable to the new component type.