Class FileAlreadyExistsException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FileAlreadyExistsException
    extends IOException
    An I/O exception indicating the file in question already exists.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileAlreadyExistsException

        public FileAlreadyExistsException()
        Default constructor.
      • FileAlreadyExistsException

        public FileAlreadyExistsException​(String message,
                                          Throwable cause)
        Constructor providing an error message and a cause.
        message - error message
        cause - original cause of the exception
      • FileAlreadyExistsException

        public FileAlreadyExistsException​(String message)
        Constructor providing an error message.
        message - error message
      • FileAlreadyExistsException

        public FileAlreadyExistsException​(Throwable cause)
        Constructor providing a original cause of the error.
        cause - original cause of the exception