Interface IOChannelStatsCollector

  • public interface IOChannelStatsCollector
    Gathers statistics for an I/O channel. A IOChannelStatsCollector is normally obtained by calling IOMonitoringContext.newCollector(String, IOChannelOperation). However, it is also possible to create one outside of a monitoring context.

    The creator is responsible for ensuring I/O operations are instrumented. To avoid this requirement, consider using the various methods in IOMonitoringContext which wrap existing streams with instrumented versions instead of directly creating collectors.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Should be called upon close to avoid accumulation of statistics collectors
      void finishedIO​(long bytesTransferred)
      Marks the completion of an I/O operation.
      void startedIO()
      Marks the start of an I/O operation.
    • Method Detail

      • startedIO

        void startedIO()
        Marks the start of an I/O operation. A subsequent call to finishedIO(long) is expected to mark the end.
      • finishedIO

        void finishedIO​(long bytesTransferred)
        Marks the completion of an I/O operation. The number of bytes transferred should be supplied, so that a running sum of bytes for this I/O channel can be maintained.
        bytesTransferred - the number of bytes transferred by the operation
      • close

        void close()
        Should be called upon close to avoid accumulation of statistics collectors