Class DefaultConnectionFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultConnectionFactory

        public DefaultConnectionFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • setDriverProvider

        public static void setDriverProvider​(DriverProvider driver)
        Sets the driver provider to use. By default, we use a driver provider that first looks in the DR classloader, then looks in the system classloader.
        driver - the driver provider.
      • getDriverProvider

        public static DriverProvider getDriverProvider()
        Gets the driver provider to use. By default, we use a driver provider that first looks in the DR classloader, then looks in the system classloader.
        the driver provider.
      • createConnection

        public Connection createConnection​(ConnectionSettings settings)
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionFactory
        Create a new JDBC connection. Implementation must allow this method to be called multiple times and by multiple threads.
        Specified by:
        createConnection in interface ConnectionFactory
        settings - the connection settings
        a newly-created JDBC connection.