Class Modules

  • public class Modules
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Modules

        public Modules()
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static <T> T newInstance​(Class<T> interfaze,
                                        Module module,
                                        String className)
        Create a new instance of an object within a module. The object is expected to take a constructor of type Module. The returned instance will be a proxy onto the underlying class.
        interfaze -
        module -
        className -
      • wrapInstance

        public static <T> T wrapInstance​(Class<T> interfaze,
                                         T instance)
        Wrap an object created in the context of a Shim interface with the context class loader proxy. The proxy handles setting the context class loader whenever a method of the given object is invoked. This is needed for Shim methods that return objects that expose methods the Shim user calls.
        interfaze - the interface type of the class
        instance - an instance of the class already created
        a wrapped instance of the class (wrapped with the context class loader proxy)
      • rawInstance

        public static <T> T rawInstance​(Class<T> interfaze,
                                        Module module,
                                        String className)
        Create a new instance of an object within a module. The object is expected to take a constructor of type Module. The returned instance will not be a proxy.
        interfaze -
        module -
        className -