Class IntervalTimer

    • Method Detail

      • getState

        public StatisticState getState()
        Description copied from interface: StatisticSupplier
        Returns the current state of the supplier.
        the state of the supplier
      • start

        public void start()
        Starts the timer; time will begin to accumulate
        IllegalStateException - if the timer is already started or has finished
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Stops the timer. This method can be called while in any state and thus is safe to call within a finally block.
      • getStartTimeMillis

        public long getStartTimeMillis()
        Description copied from interface: IntervalTimerSupplier
        This will return the start time or an undefined value if never started.
        the start time or an undefined value if never started.
      • getEndTimeMillis

        public long getEndTimeMillis()
        Description copied from interface: IntervalTimerSupplier
        Returns the end time if finished, the current time if running, or an undefined value if never started. If this timer corresponds to a snapshot of a timer that is in the StatisticState.ACTIVE state, then this value will reflect the time at which the snapshot was taken.
        the end time if finished, the current time if running, or an undefined value if never started