Class MasterServer

  • public final class MasterServer
    extends Object
    The class invoked as the Dataflow application master. It is responsible for:
    • Registering with the resource manager as an application master
    • Registering with the Dataflow cluster manager (for stats)
    • Supporting the file service interface for file transfers
    • Supporting the remote service interface for gathering stats
    • Negotiating with the resource manager for resources
    • Starting/managing worker containers
    • Constructor Detail

      • MasterServer

        public MasterServer​(com.pervasive.datarush.hadoop.shims.yarn.AMRMClient amClient,
                            FileClient client,
                            Path drfsBaseDir,
                            JobServerInformation jobWorkerInfo,
                            JobSpecifier jobSpecifier,
                            com.pervasive.datarush.cluster.ExecutorOptions execOptions,
                            List<com.pervasive.datarush.hadoop.shims.yarn.YarnNodeDescriptor> nodeDescriptors,
                            Path cacheLocation,
                            Path libArchiveLocation,
                            String applicationID,
                            int jobPriority,
                            com.pervasive.datarush.cluster.preferences.ClusterPreferences clusterPreferences,
                            Map<String,​ApplicationResource> appResources)