Class YarnAppMasterArgs

  • public class YarnAppMasterArgs
    extends Object
    A container of objects passed to the application master as arguments. The container of objects is serialized and pushed to HDFS. The file is used as a local resource to the application master process. On startup, the app master reads the now local file and deserializes the container.
    • Method Detail

      • getOptions

        public com.pervasive.datarush.cluster.ExecutorOptions getOptions()
      • getNodeDescriptors

        public List<com.pervasive.datarush.hadoop.shims.yarn.YarnNodeDescriptor> getNodeDescriptors()
      • getCacheLocation

        public Path getCacheLocation()
      • getLibArchiveLocation

        public Path getLibArchiveLocation()
      • getJobPriority

        public int getJobPriority()
      • getClusterPreferences

        public com.pervasive.datarush.cluster.preferences.ClusterPreferences getClusterPreferences()