Interface EncoderFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractObjectEncoderFactory, AnnotationEncoderFactory, ItemSetEncoderFactory

    public interface EncoderFactory
    An interface defining a factory that provides an encoder and decoder for a particular class or set of classes. This factory is utilized by the encoding/decoding framework to extend it's functionality. A class that wishes to be serialized properly must define a factory for the class and register the factory.

    NOTE: Implementations should extend AbstractObjectEncoderFactory factory rather than directly implementing EncoderFactory.

    • Method Detail

      • isFactoryForType

        boolean isFactoryForType​(TokenType type)
        Determine if this factory supports the given class type. A factory may support many types.
        type - the type to check
        true if supported; false otherwise
      • newEncoder

        TokenEncoder newEncoder​(TokenType type)
        Create a new encoder instance for the given type. The type is specified to allow a single factory to serve multiple types.
        type - the type which is to be encoded
        a new encoder instance
      • newDecoder

        TokenDecoder newDecoder​(TokenType type)
        Create a new decoder instance for the given type. The type is specified to allow a single factory to serve multiple types.
        type - the type which is to be decoded
        a new decoder instance