Class BooleanFormatter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BooleanFormatter
    extends Object
    A formatter representing boolean token values as user-specified text values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BooleanFormatter

        public BooleanFormatter​(TruthValues mapping)
        Creates a formatter using the specified mapping. Null values are output as the empty string.
        mapping - the mapping of boolean values to strings
      • BooleanFormatter

        public BooleanFormatter​(TruthValues mapping,
                                String nullIndicator)
        Creates a formatter using the specified mapping. Null values are output as the specified string.
        mapping - the mapping of boolean values to strings
        nullIndicator - the text value to use for null values
    • Method Detail

      • setSource

        public final void setSource​(ScalarValued source)
        Description copied from interface: TokenFormatter
        Sets the container holding values to be formatted. A reference to this container is held and accessed only when an formatting is requested.
        Specified by:
        setSource in interface TokenFormatter
        source - the value container to format
      • format

        public final String format()
        Description copied from interface: TokenFormatter
        Formats the current value of the source as a text value.
        Specified by:
        format in interface TokenFormatter
        the value of the source as a string