Class Actions

  • public class Actions
    extends Object
    Provides implementations of action functions. These functions can be used to perform an action outside the scope of the initial function.
    See Also:
    ScalarValuedFunction, DeriveFields
    • Constructor Detail

      • Actions

        public Actions()
    • Method Detail

      • fail

        public static ScalarValuedFunction fail​(String field)
        Will throw an exception if the field evaluates to true.
        field - the record field value to test
        a function that fails if the predicate is true
      • fail

        public static ScalarValuedFunction fail​(String field,
                                                String message)
        field - the record field value to test
        message - the exception message to use if failure occurs
        a function that fails if the predicate is true
      • fail

        public static ScalarValuedFunction fail​(ScalarValuedFunction expr,
                                                String message)
        Will throw an exception if the expression evaluates to true.
        expr - the expression to test for failure
        message - the exception message to use if a failure occurs
        a function that fails if the the predicate is true