Class ObjectInputTyper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ObjectInputTyper
    extends Object
    implements FunctionTyper
    A typer determining the output type of a function based on the types of one or more Object inputs. If more than one input is used, the widest of the inputs is used.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectInputTyper

        public ObjectInputTyper​(int... indices)
      • ObjectInputTyper

        public ObjectInputTyper​(ScalarTokenType bound,
                                int... indices)
    • Method Detail

      • computeUpperBound

        public ScalarTokenType computeUpperBound​(FunctionContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: FunctionTyper
        Calculates the upper bound for the function given the provided context.

        The context contains the upper bounds on the types of all arguments to the function. If a argument is not a subclass of ScalarValuedFunction, its type is null.

        Specified by:
        computeUpperBound in interface FunctionTyper
        ctx - the context of the function being processed
        the upper bound on the function
      • computeResultType

        public ScalarTokenType computeResultType​(FunctionContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: FunctionTyper
        Calculates the result type for the function given the provided context.

        The context contains the actual result types of all arguments to the function. If a argument is not a subclass of ScalarValuedFunction, its type is null.

        Specified by:
        computeResultType in interface FunctionTyper
        ctx - the context of the function being processed
        the result type of the function