Class EngineConfig.RemoteMonitoring

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class EngineConfig.RemoteMonitoring
    extends Object
    Settings in this object determine settings for remote monitoring
    • Field Detail


        public static final EngineProperty<Boolean> EPHEMERAL_PORT
        Property that controls whether monitoring is done via an ephemeral port. Normally this should be set to false. This is used by the launcher ui.
      • ENABLED

        public static final EngineProperty<Boolean> ENABLED
        Property that controls whether remote monitoring is enabled
      • PORT

        public static final EngineProperty<Integer> PORT
        Property that controls the port to use for remote monitoring
    • Method Detail

      • isEphemeralPort

        public boolean isEphemeralPort()
        Returns whether monitoring is done via an ephemeral port. Normally this should be set to false. This is used by the launcher ui.
        whether monitoring is done via an ephemeral port.
      • ephemeralPort

        public EngineConfig ephemeralPort​(boolean ephemeral)
        Sets whether monitoring is done via an ephemeral port. Normally this should be set to false. This is used by the launcher ui.
        ephemeral - whether monitoring is done via an ephemeral port
        a new EngineConfig with the settings modified
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Returns whether to enable remote monitoring
        whether to enable remote monitoring
      • enabled

        public EngineConfig enabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether to enable remote monitoring
        enabled - whether to enable remote monitoring
        a new EngineConfig with the settings modified
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Returns the port to use for remote monitoring
        the port to use for remote monitoring
      • port

        public EngineConfig port​(int port)
        Sets the port to use for remote monitoring.
        port - the port to use for remote monitoring.
        a new EngineConfig with the settings modified