Interface LogicalSubgraph

  • All Superinterfaces:
    LogicalGraph, OperatorComposable, PropertyValued

    public interface LogicalSubgraph
    extends LogicalGraph
    Extension of LogicalGraph used by IterativeOperator's. A consumer of a LogicalSubgraph can create connections from the IterativeOperator's input ports to other operators in the graph. The subgraph is pre-configured with the EngineConfig that was used to create the top-level graph to which the IterativeOperator was added.
    • Method Detail

      • filtered

        <T extends LogicalPort> T filtered​(T original,
                                           LogicalPortOptions options)
        Provides a filtered view of the original port. Note that operators should generally not call this method directly. Rather they should use one of the type-safe/convenience methods on the various subclasses of LogicalPort. For example:
            //filtered contains a filtered view of the original port
            RecordPort filtered= input.filtered(subgraph, new RecordPortOptions(selectedFields))
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of port
        original - the original port
        options - the port options
        a filtered view of the original port