Interface CompositionIterator

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        void execute​(IterativeExecutionContext ctx)
        Executes this iterative operation. From the context, the operation will typically create one or more subgraphs and execute them. Within the subgraphs, an iterator can reference its input ports (which automatically reference the staged dataset that was created by the framework for iteration).
        ctx - context that provides a way to create subgraphs
      • finalComposition

        void finalComposition​(OperatorComposable ctx)
        Called after execute is called. Implementations of this method must create connections to each of the IterativeOperator's output ports. Implementations also still have access to the IterativeOperator's input ports if needed. Generally iterators will produce a single (PMML) model in their execute method, so the implementation of this method will consist of the following:
            //wire the model that we generated in execute to the output port
            PutPMML put= ctx.add(new PutPMML(model));
        ctx - the context to which the iterator should add operators and connections