Interface StreamingMetadataContext

    • Method Detail

      • parallelize

        void parallelize​(ParallelismStrategy strategy)
        Controls the parallelism of this operator. Is ParallelismStrategy.NON_PARALLELIZABLE by default. If non-parallelizable, all data will be brought to a single processor on the machine/cluster. In general, most operations must be parallelizable for them to be scalable. Some operations (composites) may consist of parallelizable operations that operator on large pieces of data, followed by non-parallelizable operations that operate on smaller pieces.
        strategy - the strategy to use to determine parallelization.
        See Also:
      • setParallelizable

        void setParallelizable​(boolean parallelizable)
        Sets whether to parallelize. A value of {@link true} is equivalent to calling parallelize(ParallelismStrategy.CONFIGURED). A value of false is equivalent to calling parallelize(ParallelismStrategy.NON_PARALLELIZABLE)
        parallelizable -
      • setClientExecution

        void setClientExecution​(boolean clientExecution)
        Sets a flag indicating whether client execution is required. This is only supported for sources and sinks. Note that "client" is a relative term, referring to the JVM in which the graph or subgraph was composed. In the case of a top-level graph, "client" is the machine the originated the graph. In the case of an IterativeOperator, refers to the JVM that composed the subgraph (in the case of clustered execution, this will be the job master).
        clientExecution - whether client execution is required.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the current node is neither a source nor a sink.