Class FileMetadata

  • public class FileMetadata
    extends Object
    The metadata associated with physical data files.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileMetadata

        public FileMetadata​(RecordTokenType type)
        Create a FileMetadata of the given type and unspecified ordering and partitioning.
        type - the record type
      • FileMetadata

        public FileMetadata​(RecordMetadata metadata)
        Create a FileMetadata inheriting the setting from a RecordPort's metadata with the specified parallelism.
        metadata - the record port metadata
        parallelism - the parallelism
      • FileMetadata

        public FileMetadata​(RecordTokenType type,
                            DataOrdering dataOrdering,
                            DataDistribution dataDistribution)
        Create a FileMetadata of the given type, ordering, distribution, and parallelism.
        type - the record type
        dataOrdering - the data ordering
        dataDistribution - the data distribution
        parallelism - the parallelism
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public RecordTokenType getType()
        Returns the record data type of the file.
        the record data type of the file.
      • getDataOrdering

        public DataOrdering getDataOrdering()
        Returns the data ordering of the file.
        the data ordering of the file.
      • getDataDistribution

        public DataDistribution getDataDistribution()
        Returns the data partitioning of the file.
        the data partitioning of the file.