Class DatabaseSplit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DatabaseSplit
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Defines the parameters for one instance of a parameterized query that is run in parallel.

    This class is meant for internal use only.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabaseSplit

        public DatabaseSplit()
        Creates a split with no-parameters that is meant to run on all nodes. Generally used in non-parallel mode.
      • DatabaseSplit

        public DatabaseSplit​(String nodeAssignment,
                             Object... parameters)
        Creates a split with the given node assignment and set of parameter values.
        nodeAssignment - node intended to execute this split
        parameters - set of parameter values to apply
      • DatabaseSplit

        public DatabaseSplit​(String nodeAssignment,
                             int[] parameterTypes,
                             Object... parameters)
        Creates a split with the given node assignment and set of parameter values.
        nodeAssignment - node intended to execute this split
        parameters - set of parameter values to apply
    • Method Detail

      • getParameterTypes

        public int[] getParameterTypes()
      • getParameters

        public Object[] getParameters()
        Get the parameter values.
        parameter values
      • getNodeAssignment

        public String getNodeAssignment()
        Get the node assignment for this split.
        node assignment
      • isAllNodes

        public boolean isAllNodes()
        Get the setting of the "all nodes" property.
        run on all nodes or not