Class ARFFAnalyzer.Analysis

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class ARFFAnalyzer.Analysis
    extends Object
    Contains the results of analyzing an ARFF file. This includes information about the schema, the embedded comments, and the representation mode (either sparse or dense).
    • Constructor Detail

      • Analysis

        public Analysis()
    • Method Detail

      • getRelationName

        public String getRelationName()
        Gets the name of the relation property of the source file.
        the relation contained in the source
      • getMode

        public ARFFMode getMode()
        Gets the data representation mode used in the source file.
        the representation format of the source
      • getSchema

        public TextRecord getSchema()
        Gets the schema for parsing the source file. This is derived from the schema information present in the source.
        the schema for data records in the source
      • getComments

        public List<String> getComments()
        Gets the comments present in the source file. The list of comments is in the same order as in the source.
        the comments in the source