Class AbstractRegexLogFormat

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRegexLogFormat

        public AbstractRegexLogFormat()
    • Method Detail

      • getLogType

        public SupportedLogType getLogType()
        Description copied from interface: LogFormat
        Get the SupportedLogType of this format.
        Specified by:
        getLogType in interface LogFormat
        the SupportedLogType this format implements
      • getFormatPattern

        public String getFormatPattern()
        Get the value used for the log format pattern
        Specified by:
        getFormatPattern in interface LogFormat
        the text value of the format pattern
      • setFormatPattern

        public void setFormatPattern​(String formatPattern)
        Set the value used for the log format pattern
        Specified by:
        setFormatPattern in interface LogFormat
        formatPattern - the value to use as the format pattern
      • getSchema

        public abstract RecordTextSchema<?> getSchema()
        Gets the record schema of the source.
        the record schema of the source
      • isSplittable

        public boolean isSplittable()
        Description copied from interface: LogFormat
        Indicates if the format supports parsing of subsections of a file.

        A format should only return true if it can, at least in some situations, support this sort of parsing. If a format requires reading the entire file, it must return false.

        If a format is not splittable, a file in the format cannot be parsed in parallel; however, individual files can still be parsed independently in parallel, as when reading the contents of a directory or using a file globbing pattern.

        Specified by:
        isSplittable in interface LogFormat
        true if the format supports parsing only a portion of the file, false otherwise
      • refreshSchema

        protected abstract void refreshSchema()
        Refresh and recalculate the schema. This is usually done after changing a setting.