Class DelimitedTextAnalyzer.Analysis

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class DelimitedTextAnalyzer.Analysis
    extends Object
    Contains the results of an analysis of a delimited text file.
    • Method Detail

      • getDetectedDelimiters

        public FieldDelimiterSpecifier getDetectedDelimiters()
        Gets the delimiters used to produce the parsed records. These settings will be those specified for the analyzer, with any auto-discovered settings filled in based on the analysis.
        the delimiters used in the file, as determined by analysis
      • getDetectedCommentMarker

        public String getDetectedCommentMarker()
        Gets the comment marker used in the file based on analysis.
        the comment marker used in the file, as determined by analysis
      • getParsedRecords

        public List<List<String>> getParsedRecords()
        Gets the raw field values for all parsed records. The values are the raw text for the field, stripped of field delimiters; no type-driven parsing is done. If the file is empty, an empty list is returned.
        the field values detected for analyzed records.