Class Vectorwise

  • public class Vectorwise
    extends Object
    Helper class that provides information about the Vectorwise installation and various utilities.
    • Method Detail

      • isVWClientInstalled

        public static boolean isVWClientInstalled()
        Determines if the client is installed. This will also return true if the server is installed.
        true if installed; false otherwise
      • isVWServerInstalled

        public static boolean isVWServerInstalled()
        Determines if the server is installed.
        true if installed; false otherwise
      • validateIISystem

        public static boolean validateIISystem()
        Validates that the II_SYSTEM environment variable is set.
        true if set; false otherwise
      • unquoteTableName

        public static String unquoteTableName​(String tableName)
      • validateDirectAccessSupport

        public static void validateDirectAccessSupport()
        Validates that direct VW access is supported on the current platform. If not supported, an exception is thrown.
        DRException - if the platform is not supported
      • getUniqueKeysSize

        public static final int getUniqueKeysSize​(JDBCConnector connector)
      • getAllUniqueKeys

        public static final String[] getAllUniqueKeys​(JDBCConnector connector)
      • getFormattedTablename

        public static final String getFormattedTablename​(JDBCConnector connector)
      • getFormattedTablename

        public static final String getFormattedTablename​(String tableName,
                                                         String delimiter)
      • getTableMetadataStatement

        public static final String getTableMetadataStatement​(JDBCConnector connector)