Interface RecordInput

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void detach()
      Detaches the input port from its data flow.
      ScalarInputField getField​(int index)
      Gets the input field at the given position.
      ScalarInputField getField​(String fieldName)
      Gets the input field with the given name.
      ScalarInputField[] getFields()
      Gets all input fields of this record port.
      long getPosition()
      Retrieves the position of the port.
      InputStatistics getStats()
      Retrieves the run-time statistics gathered for this input.
      RecordTokenType getType()
      Gets the type of tokens in the underlying flow.
      boolean isAttached()
      Tests if the port is attached to a data flow.
      boolean isOnToken()
      Tests if the port is positioned on a token.
      boolean stepNext()
      Advances the cursor position of this input by one token.
      boolean stepNext​(long n)
      Advances the cursor position of this input by the specified number of tokens.
      long stepUntil​(long n, Timeout timeout)
      Advances the cursor position as many tokens as possible up to the specified number of tokens, within a given amount of time.
      long stepUntil​(Timeout timeout)
      Advances the cursor position of this input by one token, if it can be be done in a given amount of time.
      boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out)
      Transfers the current token value of the input port to the target.
      boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out, boolean startWithNextToken)
      Transfers a token value from the input port to the given target, transferring either the current token (that is, push, then step) or the next token (that is, step, then push).
      boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out, long n)
      Transfers multiple tokens of the input port starting at the current token to the given target.
      boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out, long n, boolean startWithNextToken)
      Transfers multiple tokens from the input port, beginning either with the current token or the next token.
      void transferAll​(TokenAppendable out)
      Transfers all remaining tokens from the input port starting at the current token to the given target.
      void transferAll​(TokenAppendable out, boolean startWithNextToken)
      Transfers all remaining tokens from the input port, beginning either with the current token or the next token.
      • Methods inherited from interface com.pervasive.datarush.namespace.Named

    • Method Detail

      • getField

        ScalarInputField getField​(String fieldName)
        Gets the input field with the given name.
        Specified by:
        getField in interface RecordValued
        fieldName - name of the field
        the field with the given name
      • stepNext

        boolean stepNext()
        Advances the cursor position of this input by one token. This method may block until more data is available or end of data on the port is encountered.
        Specified by:
        stepNext in interface SteppableRecordValued
        true if the cursor was advanced and resides on a valid token, false if end of data was encountered.
      • stepNext

        boolean stepNext​(long n)
        Advances the cursor position of this input by the specified number of tokens. This method may block until more data is available or end of data on the port is encountered.
        n - the number of tokens to advance
        true if the cursor was advanced the specified number of tokens and resides on a valid token, false if end of data was encountered.
      • stepUntil

        long stepUntil​(Timeout timeout)
        Advances the cursor position of this input by one token, if it can be be done in a given amount of time. The time bound is honored on a best effort basis; it may be violated as necessary to ensure data consistency.
        timeout - the maximum amount of time to block for data. Using a value of 0 will block indefinitely, as stepNext() does.
        the number of tokens advanced. If end of data was encountered, -1 is be returned.
      • stepUntil

        long stepUntil​(long n,
                       Timeout timeout)
        Advances the cursor position as many tokens as possible up to the specified number of tokens, within a given amount of time. The time bound is honored on a best effort basis; it may be violated as necessary to ensure data consistency.
        n - the number of tokens to advance
        timeout - the maximum amount of time to block for data. Using a value of 0 will block indefinitely, as stepNext(long) does.
        the actual number of tokens advanced. If end of data was encountered, the return value will be negative and is expressed as -(tokensAdvanced + 1), where tokensAdvanced is the number of tokens advanced at the point when end of data was hit.
      • transfer

        boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out)
        Transfers the current token value of the input port to the target. On return, the port will be on the next token.

        The port and the given target must have compatible types for transfer.

        out - target onto which to push the current token. This can be any appendable sequence of tokens, such as an output port.
        true if the input port is positioned on a valid token upon completion, false if it is at end of data.
        See Also:
      • transfer

        boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out,
                         long n)
        Transfers multiple tokens of the input port starting at the current token to the given target. The port will be advanced the given number of tokens.

        The port and the given output port must have compatible types for transfer. Fewer tokens than the given count may be transferred if this port encounters end of data during the transfer.

        out - target onto which to push tokens. This can be any appendable sequence of tokens, such as an output port.
        n - number of tokens to transfer
        true if the input port is positioned on a valid token upon completion, false if it is at end of data.
        See Also:
      • transferAll

        void transferAll​(TokenAppendable out)
        Transfers all remaining tokens from the input port starting at the current token to the given target. The port will be advanced until end of data is encountered. The port and the given output port must have compatible types for transfer.
        out - target onto which to push all remaining tokens. This can be any appendable sequence of tokens, such as an output port.
      • transfer

        boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out,
                         boolean startWithNextToken)
        Transfers a token value from the input port to the given target, transferring either the current token (that is, push, then step) or the next token (that is, step, then push). In either case, on return the port will be advanced to the next token.

        This input port and the given output port must have compatible types for transfer. If transferring the current token, the token cursor for this port must be positioned on a token. When transferring the next token, it is possible that no token gets transferred if the next position is end of data.

        out - target onto which to push the token value. This can be any appendable sequence of tokens, such as an output port.
        startWithNextToken - indicates whether the current token or the next token is pushed onto the target.
        true if the input port is positioned on a valid token upon completion, false if it is at end of data.
        See Also:
        stepNext(), transfer(TokenAppendable)
      • transfer

        boolean transfer​(TokenAppendable out,
                         long n,
                         boolean startWithNextToken)
        Transfers multiple tokens from the input port, beginning either with the current token or the next token. In either case, the port is advanced by the given number of tokens.

        This input port and the given target must have compatible types for transfer. If transferring starting with the current token, the token cursor for the port must be positioned on a token. Fewer tokens than requested (possibly none) may be transferred if the port encounters end of data during the transfer.

        Specified by:
        transfer in interface SteppableRecordValued
        out - target onto which to push tokens. This can be any
        n - number of tokens to transfer
        startWithNextToken - indicates whether to start the transfer with the current token or the next token.
        true if the input port is positioned on a valid token upon completion, false if it is at end of data.
        See Also:
        stepNext(long), transfer(TokenAppendable, long)
      • transferAll

        void transferAll​(TokenAppendable out,
                         boolean startWithNextToken)
        Transfers all remaining tokens from the input port, beginning either with the current token or the next token. The port will be advanced until end of data is encountered.

        The port and the given target must have compatible types for transfer.

        out - target onto which to push all remaining tokens. This can be any appendable sequence of tokens, such as an output port.
        startWithNextToken - indicates whether to start the transfer with the current token or the next token.
        See Also:
      • detach

        void detach()
        Detaches the input port from its data flow. Once detached, the port behaves as if end of data were encountered.

        Detaching a port frees resources. If an input port is no longer needed and end of data has not been reached, it is a good idea to detach it.

        Specified by:
        detach in interface PhysicalPort
        See Also:
      • getPosition

        long getPosition()
        Retrieves the position of the port. That is, how many tokens have been stepped by calling stepNext() and stepNext(long). Once end of data has been encountered, this value will be exactly the number of tokens which were on the flow.

        The position is zero based. The position acts as a cursor in that the position lies between the current element and the next element. Thus a position of zero indicates that no element has been addressed from the port. This is similar to the cursor semantics in the ListIterator interface.

        Specified by:
        getPosition in interface SteppableRecordValued
        the position of the port.
      • isAttached

        boolean isAttached()
        Tests if the port is attached to a data flow. A port starts initially attached and becomes detached if one of the following occurs:
        • end of data (EOD)is encountered on the port
        • the port is explicitly detached using detach()

        If a port is attached, the port can be safely advanced (using stepNext(), etc.). However, this does not indicate the port is positioned on a token, so attempting to access the current token value may fail with an exception.

        If a port is not attached, any attempt to advance the port or access the current value will throw an exception.

        Specified by:
        isAttached in interface PhysicalPort
        the attached state of the port
        See Also:
      • isOnToken

        boolean isOnToken()
        Tests if the port is positioned on a token. Initially, a port is not positioned on a token. Advancing the position will either encounter end of data or leave the port on a token.

        While positioned on a token, the current value can be safely accessed without error. But if not positioned on a token, all attempts to access the current value will throw an exception.

        the positional state of the port
        See Also:
      • getStats

        InputStatistics getStats()
        Retrieves the run-time statistics gathered for this input.
        Specified by:
        getStats in interface PhysicalPort
        PortStats gathered during execution or null if the configuration did not specify collecting statistics