Interface RecordOutput

    • Method Detail

      • size

        int size()
        Gets the number of of record fields contained within the port.
        Specified by:
        size in interface RecordSettable
        the number of fields
      • getField

        ScalarOutputField getField​(String fieldName)
        Gets the output field with the given name.
        Specified by:
        getField in interface RecordSettable
        fieldName - name of the field
        the field with the given name
      • getField

        ScalarOutputField getField​(int index)
        Gets the output field at the given position.
        Specified by:
        getField in interface RecordSettable
        index - zero-based index into the field list
        the field at the given position
      • push

        void push()
        Appends a record onto the output's flow, using the current values of all fields to construct the record token. For any field not set since the last push(), the field will be null valued.
        Specified by:
        push in interface GenericPushable
      • detach

        void detach()
        Immediately terminates the data flow generated by the output port. The port is detached from its underlying data flow and attempts to publish additional data will generate an error. Unlike pushEndOfData(), there are no guarantees on delivery of previously published tokens.
        Specified by:
        detach in interface PhysicalPort
      • pushEndOfData

        void pushEndOfData()
        Signals completion of the data flow generated by the output port. The port is detached from its underlying data flow and attempts to publish additional data will generate an error. Previously published tokens will still be delivered to consumers.
      • push

        void push​(TokenValued value)
        Appends the given token value onto the output's flow. The value must be of a token type compatible with the concrete output port's token type.
        value - the token value to push
      • push

        void push​(TokenValued value,
                  long n)
        Appends the given token value onto the output's flow multiple times. The value must be of a token type compatible with the concrete output port's token type.
        value - the token value to push
        n - the number of copies to push
      • pushNull

        void pushNull()
        Appends a null valued token onto the output's flow. The null value is similar to a SQL null value and not a null Java reference.
      • pushNull

        void pushNull​(long n)
        Appends multiple null valued tokens onto the output's flow.
        n - the number of null values to push
        See Also:
      • flush

        void flush()
        Forces all previously pushed tokens to be made available to consumers of the output's flow. Generally, an operator will not need to call this method directly.
      • getStats

        OutputStatistics getStats()
        Retrieves the run-time statistics gathered for this input.
        Specified by:
        getStats in interface PhysicalPort
        PortStats gathered during execution or null if the configuration did not specify collecting statistics