Class TextConversionContext

  • public final class TextConversionContext
    extends Object
    Contextual information needed by TokenParser's and TokenFormatter's.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextConversionContext

        public TextConversionContext()
        Creates the default TextConversionContext
      • TextConversionContext

        public TextConversionContext​(TextConversionDefaults defaults,
                                     FieldDomain domain)
        Creates a new text conversion context
        defaults - the default conversion behavior to use, if the type does not specify one.
        domain - the domain of the field
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaults

        public TextConversionDefaults getDefaults()
        Returns the default conversion behavior to use, if the type does not specify one.
        the default conversion behavior
      • getDomain

        public FieldDomain getDomain()
        Returns the domain that contains the allowed values for the field.
        the domain of the field.
      • applyDefaultNullMarker

        public String applyDefaultNullMarker​(String value)
        Merges the given null indicator with the default.
        value - the input null indicator
        value if value != null, otherwise the null indicator value in the defaults
      • applyDefaultStringHandling

        public TextTypes.StringConversion applyDefaultStringHandling​(TextTypes.StringConversion value)
        Merges the given string conversion behavior with the default.
        value - the input string conversion behavior
        value if value != null, otherwise the string conversion behavior in the defaults