Interface TextRecordDiscoverer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    JsonPatternBasedDiscovery, PatternBasedDiscovery

    public interface TextRecordDiscoverer
    A generator of text record schemas. A TextRecordDiscoverer can be used with delimited text data to produce schemas for reading and writing.
    • Method Detail

      • discoverForRead

        TextRecord discoverForRead​(List<List<String>> rows,
                                   boolean containsHeader,
                                   TextConversionDefaults defaults)
        Constructs a schema for reading based on the given file analysis. The analysis may or may not include a header row, as indicated.
        rows - the analyzed rows from a text file
        containsHeader - indicates whether the first row of the analyzed file is a header
        defaults - defaults for the discovered schema
        a schema appropriate for reading the file.
      • generateForWrite

        TextRecord generateForWrite​(RecordTokenType recordTokenType,
                                    TextConversionDefaults defaults)
        Constructs a schema for writing based on the given record type.
        recordTokenType - the record type of the data
        defaults - defaults for the discovered schema
        a schema appropriate for writing data of the given type