Interface CharTokenSequence

    • Method Detail

      • getChar

        char getChar​(int index)
        Gets the value of the specified token as a char.
        index - the position of the token in the sequence
        the value of the token. If the token is null valued, Character.MAX_VALUE is returned.
      • getValues

        void getValues​(int start,
                       char[] values,
                       boolean[] nulls,
                       int offset,
                       int length)
        Gets the values and null indicators for a range of tokens.
        start - the starting index of the range
        values - an array into which to place element values
        nulls - an array into which to place null indicator values
        offset - the starting offset into the target arrays. That is, elements[offset] and nulls[offset] will get the value and null indicator respectively of the token at position start, and so on.
        length - number of tokens to get
      • getString

        String getString​(int start,
                         int length)
        Gets a subsequence of tokens as a string. An null values in the subsequence are represented as Character.MAX_VALUE.
        start - the index of the first token in the subsequence
        length - the length of the subsequence
        a string containing the values of the selected tokens.