Class CompositeValue

    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeValue

        public CompositeValue​(ScalarValued[] fields)
        Construct a composite from the supplied ScalarValued objects. The record schema will be generated from the fields using default names.

        It is assumed that the source is immutable; if this is not the case, field iterators obtained from this object may not behave correctly. Use CompositeValue(ScalarValued[], ModificationCountProvider) with an appropriate modification counter instead if this is an issue.

        fields - the ScalarValued objects containing field values
      • CompositeValue

        public CompositeValue​(ScalarValued[] fields,
                              ModificationCountProvider modCountProvider)
        Construct a composite from the supplied ScalarValued objects. The record schema will be generated from the fields using default names.
        fields - the ScalarValued objects containing field values
        modCountProvider - modification count provider. required for notification of underlying changes.
      • CompositeValue

        public CompositeValue​(RecordTokenType type,
                              ScalarValued[] fields)
        Construct a composite with the described schema using the supplied ScalarValued objects. The field types in the schema will be cross-validated against the given objects.

        It is assumed that the source is immutable; if this is not the case, field iterators obtained from this object may not behave correctly. Use CompositeValue(RecordTokenType, ScalarValued[], ModificationCountProvider) with an appropriate modification counter instead if this is an issue.

        type - the record schema to use for the resulting composite
        fields - the ScalarValued objects containing field values
        DRException - if the provided field types disagree with the types of the field objects
      • CompositeValue

        public CompositeValue​(RecordTokenType type,
                              ScalarValued[] fields,
                              ModificationCountProvider modCountProvider)
        Construct a composite with the described schema using the supplied ScalarValued objects. The field types in the schema will be cross-validated against the given objects.
        type - the record schema to use for the resulting composite
        fields - the ScalarValued objects containing field values
        modCountProvider - modification count provider. required for notification of underlying changes.
        DRException - if the provided field types disagree with the types of the field objects