Class FieldIteratorHelper

  • public final class FieldIteratorHelper
    extends Object
    Utility class for constructing field iterators associated with a given record type.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldIteratorHelper

        public FieldIteratorHelper​(RecordTokenType recordType,
                                   FieldIteratorProperties properties)
        Create a new FieldIteratorHelper.
        recordType - The type of record on which this helper will create iterators
        properties - properties for the field iterator
    • Method Detail

      • getRelativeIndex

        public int getRelativeIndex​(ScalarValuedIterator iterator)
        Returns the index of the current field, relative to the selectedFields argument passed to this object's constructor.
        iterator - A valid iterator, positioned on a field.
        the index of the current field in the iterator, relative to the selectedFields argument.