Interface RecordTokenComparator

  • public interface RecordTokenComparator
    An object for comparing composite token values. More specifically, collections of scalar token values can be compared. While the interface is generically typed, using ScalarValued, implementations are specific to the types provided at construction time. When used, it is expected that values are provided in the order matching these types.

    A RecordTokenComparator is useful for comparison of key fields of a decomposed record.

    • Method Detail

      • setLeftSources

        void setLeftSources​(ScalarValued[] sources)
        Binds the left-hand values of the comparator to the specified objects. Comparisons will be done using the values of the objects at the time of the comparison.
        sources - the value containers to use on the left side of comparisons
      • setRightSources

        void setRightSources​(ScalarValued[] sources)
        Binds the right-hand values of the comparator to the specified objects. Comparisons will be done using the values of the objects at the time of the comparison.
        sources - the value containers to use on the right side of comparisons
      • compare

        int compare()
        Indicates the relative ordering of two sets of values. Values are compared in a pairwise fashion between the sets, starting with the first index and progressing until a pair are found to be unequal (or all values have been compared). Each pair may be evaluated under a different ordering direction, as specified by the implementation.
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if the values of the set bound to the left operand less than, equal to, or greater than the values of the set bound to the right operand.