Class Comparison

  • public class Comparison
    extends Object
    A configuration of a field comparison for matching.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Comparison

        public Comparison()
        Construct an empty comparison object.
      • Comparison

        public Comparison​(String leftField,
                          String rightField,
                          ComparisonType op,
                          String outputField)
        Construct a Comparison object used to configure a field comparison operator.
        leftField - the name of the left hand side field to compare
        rightField - the name of the right hand side field to compare
        op - the comparison operation to perform
        outputField - the name of the field resulting from the comparison
      • Comparison

        public Comparison​(String field,
                          ComparisonType op,
                          String outputField)
        Construct a Comparison object used to configure a field comparison operator. The field is assumed to have the same name on both sides.
        field - the name of the field to compare on the left and right hand sides
        op - the comparison operation to perform
        outputField - the name of the field resulting from the comparison
      • Comparison

        public Comparison​(String leftField,
                          String rightField,
                          ComparisonType op,
                          String outputField,
                          Map<String,​Object> properties)
        Construct a Comparison object used to configure a field comparison operator.
        leftField - the name of the left hand side field to compare
        rightField - the name of the right hand side field to compare
        op - the comparison operation to perform
        outputField - the name of the field resulting from the comparison
        properties - properties specific to the configured comparison operator
      • Comparison

        public Comparison​(String field,
                          ComparisonType op,
                          String outputField,
                          Map<String,​Object> properties)
        Construct a Comparison object used to configure a field comparison operator. The field is assumed to have the same name on both sides.
        field - the name of the field to compare on the left and right hand sides
        op - the comparison operation to perform
        outputField - the name of the field resulting from the comparison
        properties - properties specific to the configured comparison operator
    • Method Detail

      • getLeft

        public String getLeft()
        Get the left field name value.
        left field name value
      • setLeft

        public void setLeft​(String leftField)
        Set the input left field name value.
        leftField - left field name value
      • getRight

        public String getRight()
        Get the right field name value.
        right field name value
      • setRight

        public void setRight​(String rightField)
        Set the input right field name value.
        rightField - right field name value
      • setField

        public void setField​(String fieldName)
        Set the input field name to compare. A pattern is applied to generate the left field and right field names.
        fieldName - input field name
      • getOp

        public ComparisonType getOp()
        Get the comparison operator type.
        comparison operator type
      • setOp

        public void setOp​(ComparisonType op)
        Set the comparison operator type.
        op - comparison operator type
      • getOutput

        public String getOutput()
        Get the output field name value.
        output field name value
      • setOutput

        public void setOutput​(String outputField)
        Set the output field name value.
        outputField - output field name value
      • getProperties

        public Map<String,​Object> getProperties()
        Get the operator specific properties.
        operator specific properties
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(Map<String,​Object> properties)
        Set the operator specific properties.
        properties - operator specific properties