Class PortDescriptor

  • public class PortDescriptor
    extends Object
    Definition of an operator port.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PortDescriptor

        public PortDescriptor​(String name,
                              LogicalPort.Direction direction,
                              int index,
                              Class<? extends LogicalPort> portClass,
                              String description,
                              boolean optional)
        Construct a port definition.
        name - logical name of the port
        direction - direction of the port (input or output)
        index - zero based index of this port within the list of ports of this type for the operator
        portClass - class implementation of the port
        description - documentation about the port
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the logical name of the port.
        logical port name
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Get the description of the port. May be null.
        port description (may be null)
      • getIndex

        public int getIndex()
        Get the index of the port within the list of ports of this type for the operator.
        port index
      • getPortClass

        public Class<? extends LogicalPort> getPortClass()
        Get the implementation class of the port.
        implementation class
      • getDirection

        public LogicalPort.Direction getDirection()
        Get the port direction.
        port direction
      • isOptional

        public boolean isOptional()
        Get the indicator of whether or not a port is optional.
        true if the port is optional; false otherwise