Class ScriptOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ScriptOptions
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Container for options to the script environment that are exposed to operators that are scripting aware.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptOptions

        public ScriptOptions​(List<String> includeDirs,
                             StrictMode strictMode,
                             boolean extensionsEnabled)
        Construct a script options instance.
        includeDirs - list of include directories
        strictMode - strictness mode
        extensionsEnabled - whether extensions are enabled or not
    • Method Detail

      • getIncludeDirs

        public List<String> getIncludeDirs()
        Get the list of include directories
        list of include directories
      • getStrictMode

        public StrictMode getStrictMode()
        Get the strictness mode.
        strictness mode
      • getExtensionsEnabled

        public boolean getExtensionsEnabled()
        Get the indicator of whether extensions are enabled or not.
        extensions enabled or disabled