Class Transforms.DoubleToInt

    • Constructor Detail

      • DoubleToInt

        public DoubleToInt()
    • Method Detail

      • supports

        public boolean supports​(Class<?> sourceType,
                                Class<?> targetType)
        Description copied from interface: Transform
        Determines if this transformer supports the given types.
        Specified by:
        supports in interface Transform
        sourceType - type of the data source
        targetType - type of the data target
        true if supported; false otherwise
      • transform

        public Object transform​(Object source,
                                Class<?> targetType)
        Description copied from interface: Transform
        Transform the given source object into the wanted target object.
        Specified by:
        transform in interface Transform
        source - object to transform
        targetType - type of the target object
        result of the transformation