Class TreeNode

  • public final class TreeNode
    extends Object
    Corresponds to the PMML Node element.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TreeNode

        public TreeNode()
        Creates an empty TreeNode
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public final String getId()
        Returns the value of the "id" attribute.
        the value of the "id" attribute.
      • setId

        public final void setId​(String id)
        Sets the value of the "id" attribute.
        id - the value of the "id" attribute.
      • getScore

        public final String getScore()
        Returns the value of the "score" attribute.
        the value of the "score" attribute.
      • setScore

        public final void setScore​(String score)
        Sets the value of the "score" attribute.
        score - the value of the "score" attribute.
      • getRecordCount

        public final Double getRecordCount()
        Returns the value of the "recordCount" attribute.
        the value of the "recordCount" attribute.
      • setRecordCount

        public final void setRecordCount​(Double recordCount)
        Sets the value of the "recordCount" attribute.
        recordCount - the value of the "recordCount" attribute.
      • getDefaultChild

        public final String getDefaultChild()
        Returns the value of the "defaultChild" attribute.
        the value of the "defaultChild" attribute.
      • setDefaultChild

        public final void setDefaultChild​(String defaultChild)
        Sets the value of the "defaultChild" attribute.
        defaultChild - the value of the "defaultChild" attribute.
      • getScoreDistributions

        public final List<ScoreDistribution> getScoreDistributions()
        Returns the list of ScoreDistribution elements associated with this node.
        the list of ScoreDistribution elements associated with this node.
      • setScoreDistributions

        public final void setScoreDistributions​(List<ScoreDistribution> scoreDistributions)
        Sets the list of ScoreDistribution elements associated with this node.
        scoreDistributions - the list of ScoreDistribution elements associated with this node.
      • getChildren

        public final List<TreeNode> getChildren()
        Returns the list of child Node elements associated with this node.
        the list of child Node elements associated with this node.
      • setChildren

        public final void setChildren​(List<TreeNode> children)
        Sets the list of child Node elements associated with this node.
        children - the list of child Node elements associated with this node.
      • getPredicate

        public Predicate getPredicate()
        Returns the predicate element associate with this node.
        the predicate element associate with this node.
      • setPredicate

        public void setPredicate​(Predicate predicate)
        Sets the predicate element associate with this node.
        predicate - the predicate element associate with this node.
      • getEstimatedErrors

        public Double getEstimatedErrors()
        Returns the "estimateErrors" extension associated with this node. "estimatedErrors" is a PMML extension that provides the estimated number of incorrectly classified items associated with a given node.
        the "estimateErrors" extension associated with this node.
      • setEstimatedErrors

        public void setEstimatedErrors​(Double estimatedErrors)
        Sets the "estimateErrors" extension associated with this node. "estimatedErrors" is a PMML extension that provides the estimated number of incorrectly classified items associated with a given node.
        estimatedErrors - the "estimateErrors" extension associated with this node.